Oak Hill Acres

Type: Farm

Produces: Flowers & Starters

Location: Atalissa, IA

Miles from Coop: 25

Oak Hill Acres Family

Andy Tygrett’s high school FFA (Future Farmers of America) project has turned out more successful than he could ever have imagined.

Stemming from an interest in cultivating gladiolas, his one-man flower business started in his parents’ gas station has grown into a successful organic farm: Oak Hill Acres.

Along with his wife Christina, her brother, Joe, his dad, Terry, and a slew of farm cats to mind the mice, Andy manages over 4,000 flower cuttings in their two greenhouses and thirty acres of organic produce.

“It was something we kind of fell into,”

says Andy,

“but it’s working out great for us.”

Start your own organic venture with plant starts from Oak Hill Acres available at New Pioneer (February-May) – you never know what you’ll grow into!

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