Every Day is Earth Day at New Pi!
As a Coop, we prioritize organic ingredients and buy fresh from over twenty local farms -
some who deliver to us the same day they pick them from their fields.
Fewer miles from farm to table means a smaller carbon footprint, peek freshness, and- it just tastes better!
At New Pioneer Coop we also support Zero and Low Waste Shopping—so
from milk to granola, you’ll find a variety of easy, reusable containers.
Here are just a few ways we reduce environmental impact at the Co-op:
– Organic Oasis –
We prioritize organic food first so you can easily buy your favorite foods from organic sources.
Pounds of wholesome, edible co+op food rescued and given to food insecure locals in need each year.
local products featured on New Pi shelves (from Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois).
gallons of food/waste converted into compost and diverted from landfill just this past year
– Low Waste –
We continuously seek out products and processes to provide low waste options to our customers.
estimated plastic bags eliminated from our environment since 2015 by removing them from co-op checkouts
A Home for the Monarchs
With the community's help, a group of enthusiastic Monarchists called Monarchs in Eastern Iowa, have been raising monarch eggs into beautiful, fluttering butterflies since 2014.
The Co-op has been happy to supply hundreds of compostable homes for these little critters each year to help rebuild the pollinator population.
Learn more about this program and how you can foster an egg on our blog.
Photo credit: Audrey Novak

6 Environmentally-Friendly Ways To Shop
We're proud to be celebrating 50 years as an organization rooted in sustainable practice. From corner to corner, find sustainable products, practices, and solutions at the Co-op.
Here are 6 ways you can shop to support earth-friendly food systems:
Buy Organic
Organic products are grown and harvested in ways that produce richer soil and have less impact on animals, bugs, and farmers. You can find organic options in every area of our store.
Buy Local
Reduce your groceries’ carbon footprint drastically by buying food that’s grown or produced in-state or within 250 miles of your town. At the Co-op, we prioritize our local vendors in every department of our store.
Buy Brands that Support Environmental Efforts
Make your dollar go further by choosing product brands that do good for the environment too.
Choose Meat Free Options
Reduce your meat consumption once a week and try a plant-based alternative. Not sure where to start? Try prepared meal options from our local vendors and house-made product line - these are sure to be wins.