Member Rewards

Say hello to new benefits that reward you everyday.

+ save 20% on an entire purchase when you join.

New Pi Loyalty

Earn a Point for Every Dollar You Spend

Once you’ve reached 500 points, a $5 coupon will be added to your member account for future purchases.
Points and coupons expire June 30 and Dec. 31 of each year – so be sure to use your coupons regularly.

Some exclusions do apply for earning and spending points, including:
equity payments, gift cards, donations, classes, tickets, bottle deposits, and sales tax.

Buy 5, Get One FREE

  Every time you purchase these items with your member number, your product will be counted automatically.

When you earn your free product, it will pop up at the register for you to use. 


New Pi Breads

Hearth & Bagged


Grain & Salad Bowls

New Pi House-made

coffee_sm copy.jpg

Hot Coffee

any size


Access Weekly Member Rewards Like:


$10 off a Produce Purchase
$10 off a Meat Purchase
$5 off a Seafood Purchase

$5 off a Cheese Purchase
20% off a Case of Wine
10% off a Beer Purchase

Save 15% on Body Care
20% off Chocolate Bars

and more!

Save a little, everyday.

10% off all Bulk Frontier Spices and Herbs.

5% off New Pi supplements every day.

10% food access discount everyday, for SNAP and WIC members.

  Member Appreciation

These biannual weekend celebrations feature member discounts, giveaways and more.

Membership is $60 for a lifetime.

Join and save 20% off an entire grocery run. Learn more here.

Buy a Membership