From the Blog

New! Beyond Meat Meatless Brats & Sausages

New Pioneer Food Co-op May 4 Category: Featured Products
Beyond Meat Sausage

Beyond Meat Original Brats and Hot Italian Sausages are the newest additions to our selection of meat alternatives, right next to the popular Beyond Meat Burgers!

They have the “snap” of a traditional brat, and are perfect for any occasion. Just grill them up and top them with pile of your favorite fixings!

New Pioneer Food Co-op About the Author

New Pioneer Food Co-op

New Pi is a food co-operative, owned by over 35,000 members, home-grown in Iowa. We welcome everyone to our store, regardless of membership, and focus on local and sustainable food solutions. New Pi has strong roots in Iowa City’s local food community, and continues to partner with local growers, food, and sustainability organizations to enrich Linn and Johnson County communities.