From the Blog

January's Change for Change: SILT – Sustainable Iowa Land Trust

New Pioneer Food Co-op January 1 Category: Stronger+Together

SILT was founded in 2015 by some of the best minds in Iowa’s sustainable agriculture community. They wanted to solve the problem of how best to save and protect small, diverse, clean farms that feed Iowans.

They knew that this one mission would address a myriad of concerns including:

  • access to land for beginning farmers
  • local food production in the face of climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves
  • the future of the family farm the health of our rural communities
  • the current massive transition in land ownership
  • food security for our growing communities
  • expanding cities eating up prime farmland
  • SILT uses land donations and land protection agreements to make land affordable for generations of healthy food growing.

SILT now protects 4 farms totaling nearly 300 acres across Iowa. They grow shiitake mushrooms, fresh vegetables, and organic hay to get grass-fed animals through the winter.

They give next generation farmers a chance to get into the game. They give their communities local, healthy fresh food, jobs, and a new way to look at the world.

New Pioneer Food Co-op About the Author

New Pioneer Food Co-op

New Pi is a food co-operative, owned by over 35,000 members, home-grown in Iowa. We welcome everyone to our store, regardless of membership, and focus on local and sustainable food solutions. New Pi has strong roots in Iowa City’s local food community, and continues to partner with local growers, food, and sustainability organizations to enrich Linn and Johnson County communities.